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Kate's go-to guided meditations

Feeling stuck? Pop in the earbuds, find a guided meditation for creativity and go for a stroll. Your airways and mind will open while getting some endorphins going.

I love guided meditations for their targeted brain, body and sleep results, most often using them before bed to help shut down after a busy day, or in those moments I need an extra positive voice to combat my negative self talk.

You can find them on all sorts of topics, such as deep sleep gained during a forest rainfall or drifting in the clouds, letting go of attachments, finding your authentic self, over-coming specific bad habits and more. You'll notice from my list I went through a serious procrastination period, need help calming my mind to sleep and have generalized anxiety. Build your own play list that supports your strengths and challenges.

Guided meditations are not only that gentle hug, they were also critical to helping me build a regular meditation practice. I had to set aside the time and space, learn how to say "thank you, come again" to wandering thoughts, and find the posture or movement that best worked for me. Moving into a mindful, self guided meditation practice then became about a singular change in mental focus, not having to build a whole practice and try remember a million things at once.

One word of warning - I have come to recognize that sometimes I use guided meditations as a distraction, rather than to actually work through what I'm feeling. For instance, I'll focus on "letting it go" before I even really get to why I'm holding on to it in the first place. With that new aha, I've been spending more time on mindfulness, at least a few minutes, to discover root causes and understand my emotions first, and then finding the appropriate guided meditation to match.

Without further ado - my YouTube playlist of my go-to guided meditations. 

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