Feeling Brave & Confident

“Kate helped me feel brave and confident to pick a path that felt the most true to me, even though it didn’t seem “practical” on paper. She didn’t try to push anything on me, or force me to pick something too soon - a fear I had coming into coaching. She is a beautiful and patient guide who goes at your speed but prods you gently and ensures you stay accountable to yourself.

I have continued coaching sessions with Kate and I am now seeing improvements in my relationships and my health as well. I'm learning how to incorporate small, actionable steps towards what I want - whether that's starting an art business or improving my diet. It's too easy to overlook the important parts of your life and get caught up in your daily responsibilities.

With coaching I feel like I can finally shine a light on my own life and take small steps for significant improvements. For me, the biggest win from coaching is knowing that I have the tools to keep crafting a life that works for me.”

- Anna