A Gratitude Practice for the Driven

A few years ago I put out the blog “Growing Gratitude,” outlining three different research-based gratitude practices/activities to help you:

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  • drastically change your mood without anything else actually changing,

  • and help you overcome negative mental processing more quickly.

The activities focus around a central theme of pausing, reflecting and savoring, which also happens to be central to mindfulness.

Being mindful is about experiencing your life as it unfolds, both internally and all around you, withholding judgement. Studies suggest it may help people:

  • manage stress, reduce anxiety and depression, and cope better with illness and hardship;

  • strengthen the memory, learning and emotional centers of their brain;

  • reduce hostility and fights and form better relationships;

  • improve sleep and achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

Knowing gratitude and mindfulness are important and impactful doesn’t always seem to matter to those living a productivity-obsessed, work-obsessed, do-more lifestyle that has been fostered in us. Driven individuals - who often have loud inner critics - who are focused on “what’s next, what’s next,” end up missing out on a lot of good and feel good moments in life. As much as we do, we don’t realize how much is done, and we certainly don’t recognize our role in making it happen. Time and the to-do list always an enemy.


With that in mind, today’s exercise is for the driven, anxious and down human looking to appreciate and enjoy life more.

As you go along in your day, between big tasks/activities pause for 3o-60 seconds and:

  1. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, maybe lightly placing hands on knees, to begin to ground yourself in the moment.

  2. Reflect positively on what you just accomplished, learned or experienced…What went well? What excited you? Investigate the emotions and the details…

  3. What strength, talent or perspective are you grateful/proud/surprised YOU were able to bring to the moment that just occurred? Make sure you choose different things each exercise!

  4. Celebrate and savor! Give yourself a hug or high five, or jot a few notes down if you’d like for additional processing and to develop a “positivity portfolio” you can refer to in tough moments.

  5. Breathe deep, shake your body and open your eyes, turning to your next task with a bit more resilience.

Do it regularly and you will grow your sense of satisfaction and mindfulness!

The Day Shifter

Been practicing and ready to shift from reflection to satisfACTION? Of course you are, you driven creature, you! ;)

Take a page out of Jacque Kelm’s book, “The Joy of Appreciative Living,” and before you start your day, pause for 2-3 minutes, and:

  1. Ask yourself, “What one thing could I do today, no matter how small, that would increase my joy?” Look to your reflections as a reminder of what feels good! Need additional tips? Check out my blog on FUNdamentals.

  2. Then make a point to do it!
