Meditations and Visualizations to Ground You and Prepare for the New Year.

I leverage guided meditations and visualizations throughout my coaching practice, and coach my clients on how to develop their own mindfulness practice.

Three of the go-to meditations I have recorded are posted on my website so you can listen and enjoy without YouTube ads. They are:

  • Meet Your Future Self Visualization (Great to support dreaming and vision boarding!)

  • Work Stress Relaxation Visualization - Short

  • Cultivating Mindfulness with Chakras Meditation and Visualization

After listening, my clients have shared:

“This was so soothing and grounding.”

"I listen every morning when I get to my office but before I start work."

“I was brought to tears during some parts of the future self visualization; it feels so real and freeing. Now I must make this happen.”

“Wow, I really felt some releases in my body…and I clearly still have some areas to work on. I didn’t realize my body had so much to tell me.”

"Have you thought about doing voice over work?”

Interested in getting support and accountability to live authentically and intentionally while maximizing your time?
Book a free discovery call with Coach Kate to experience and learn more about life coaching.