Four-Leaf Clover Hunting as a Mindfulness Practice

I sit in the park every morning, playing fetch with my dog and enjoying nature’s harmonious silence. Lots of patches of clover in the grass for us to plop into. One morning, I looked down and the first thing I saw was a four-leaf clover.

It happened so fast that I immediately questioned the whole patch. “Is it a whole mutant patch?!”

But yes, in my hands I held an extra lucky leaf. All the same joy I experienced as a child came rushing in. That must mean I was lucky, I was special to be in the presence of miracles. (Yes, it felt that dramatic, lol).

Of course I kept it, enshrining it in packing tape and slipping it under the glass top of my night stand so I see it each morning and night.

A reminder that to be able to see and catch all of life’s opportunities, I must slow down, be in the moment and tune into the world around me.


And now, every morning I take a few mindful moments to sift my fingers through the delicate plants, giving each individual its due attention. I haven’t found another since, but the meditative hunt continues and starts my morning with wonderous intent. 🍀

If you’re able, I encourage you to try it - for fun and the mindfulness benefits you will reap, including:

  • help relieve stress,

  • treat heart disease,

  • lower blood pressure,

  • reduce chronic pain,

  • improve sleep,

  • alleviate gastrointestinal difficulties, and

  • improve mental health.