Getting More Exercise - Of Your Values, That Is

I'm an exercise junkie - and no, I don't mean the aerobic kind. I mean the get your brain dancing kind.

I am constantly on the hunt for knew ways to look at the world and break down situations and problems.

#Values have been a particular focus of my Google rabbit holes of late as they can be nebulous creatures, always on the move. So, I was delighted to find this values exercise from Scott Jeffery over at CEOsage and wanted to pass it on to you. #sharingiscaring #risetogether


While we (meaning CEOsage/Kaptivate) have a similar upfront approach of how to distill and prioritize values and then develop specific intentional behaviors that will bring them to life (check out last's month blog for that first exercise!), I love how Jeffery takes it two steps further by:

1. recommending you write out your own definitions of each of your prioritized values, and then

2. actually create a table of your values and intended actions to mindfully track progress and growth as you go.

Daily reflection and reminder to live your values - with the added satisfaction of a check mark or XXXX chain to turn that new habit into subconscious living! Love it!

Just like any new habit, tracking how you feel before/after the habit is in play is also critical - so you know if it's making a difference. Scientifically, it is impossible to remember/predict feelings with accuracy, we can only asses our emotions of this moment. Just as my clients know, it's why we rate each of our #pillarsoflife from 1-10 regularly. Not as a grade, but as a measure of movement and experiment effectiveness.

I'll be integrating values more and more into all activities in the KaptivateMe workbook, AND adding a personal values intentions tracker to my SatisfACTION planner during next month's prep - it's on my calendar - how about you?!

(Yep, reading was a Do to get my mind moving, but completion was prioritized from Do now to Decide at an appropriate time...see how that works?! #EisenhowerGridRocks)