Exploring Your Spirituality? Got Netflix?

When it comes to true self care, TV watching is a fast avoidance mechanism and can be passively destructive when we use it to delay tackling any challenges we may be facing. Such an easy way to shut up the inner critic for a while! That said, I love TV, and think there is a lot of programming available that can not only be part of your self-care and self-discovery routine when used intentionally. More on that in a second.

When I talk with my clients about spirituality, it’s about how we connect with ourselves and make sense of our greater place and interaction with the community, the world, the universe…whatever. Spirituality may come with a named religion or not, be felt in the pure love of family or seen in the scientific wonder of the quantum world. That sense of security in self and universe is whatever you sense and experience it to be.


Trouble is - how much have you experienced? Explored? I got a solid dose of world religions and spiritual practice in middle school, high school and college to provide an expansive perspective - but most of it was in books or quick tours that faded away beyond key points. In college and since I’ve personally turned to nature and meditation for my sense of connection and sanity and put in a lot of hours of practice, continuing to have moments where I actively feel I’m flowing with the universe and its working in my favor. If I gave that kind of practice and intention to other thought systems, will there be magic there, too? My intuition and the world of positive psychology says “yes,” though its particular magic may not be for me. All I know, is I want to stay curious about this world and universe. Not out of anxiety, but out of pure awe.

But where to start when you are exploring spirituality?

Well, that takes us back to making TV time meaningful, and of course, my beloved journaling. I encourage you to watch a variety of the below - and beyond - with open heart and mind, write down what sparks you in everything you hear, and then start contemplating with how they fit into your reality of life, not only now but as the days and weeks flow by. You’ll see different things and think differently because of the perspective you’ve gained. Use your list to continue to journal in reflection, and use it as a To-Experience list to help you actively explore your personal spirituality. Our communities are full of resources and open arms to guide you in the process.

What I’ve Watched

or check out everything Netflix has got!! No Netflix? YouTube is also a great source! What has sparked you?

  • Story of God with Morgan Freeman - on Netflix (I recently watched. Great overview of world beliefs and one-by-one addressess core areas of spirituality and life to think about.)

  • The Secret - on Netflix (I was not sold on this when I first read it in college, but watching again and living a life with a renewed mindset, I really experience this now!)

  • The Most Unknown - on Netflix (scientists tackling deep existential questions, watched three times in one week)

  • Heal - on Netflix

  • Happy - on Netflix

  • I Am - on Netflix

  • DMT: The Spirit Molecule - on Netflix

  • Samsara - on Amazon Prime

  • Connected - on Vimeo (this spoke to me like crazy a few years ago!)