Money Mindset Investigation

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Do you feel like the powerful human you are when money comes up? Or do you squirm, run and big-time avoid like there's a snake in the room?

Even billionaires, lottery winners and seasoned finance professionals are susceptible to money-related ick that stops them from chasing their goals or living their best life -- because our money mindset is comprised of much more than the currency to our name.

Discover the beliefs and emotions driving your actions that block or allow money into your life — and then tap* along on what’s come up for you to clear the emotional charge — in our March Facebook #LIVEandLEARN. [REPLAY BELOW!]

Get your BONUS play-along workbook!

Includes investigation questions, financial thermostat, EFT/tapping script, money mantra template and financial wheel of life. Grab it here.

What is this "Money Mindset"?

Your "money mindset" is your personal attitude about your finances, which drives how you make key financial decisions every day. 🕯It can have a big impact on your ability to achieve your goals.

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Because money is inescapable no matter how hard we try - unlike snakes 🐍- it's important to be mindful of our underlying beliefs and "thermostat" so we can build new habits and behaviors that gently and steadily pull us into and through discomfort to a growth money mindset.

✨The power of positive thinking really does matter.✨

Join this month's Facebook #LIVEandLEARN on Kaptivate Facebook to answer the question, “What would life be like if I had all that money?” 🤑and then *tap along on all the emotions and memories that inevitably arise.

Leave with a better understanding of why your heart races when $$$$ is mentioned and a handful of tips and tricks - like a money mantra and financial wheel of life - to keep you moving towards your dream lifestyle and budget.

*Tapping aka EFT for Busting Money Blocks

Money blocks are limiting beliefs and emotions that slow you down or stop you from taking action to make more money. 🕸

Beliefs creation emotions, emotions drive actions, actions block or allow money into your life. 😌Clear the emotional charge and you will master your money.

That emotional clearing is where tapping comes in!

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"Tapping aka EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) therapy is based on the combined principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology.

Tapping with the fingertips on specific meridian endpoints of the body, while focusing on negative emotions or physical sensations, helps to 
calm the nervous system, rewire the brain to respond in healthier ways, and restore the body’s balance of energy.

proven to effectively resolve a range of issues, including stress, anxiety, phobias, emotional disorders, chronic pain, addiction, weight control, and limiting beliefs, just to name a few. " - The Tapping Solution

🦋I discovered tapping with the help of a therapist years ago to deal with some complicated grieving, and then brought it back into my life in 2017 as a means to work on my anxiety -- and it turns out SO MUCH MORE! 

These days I practice personally and with my clients, and I'm looking forward to presenting this life-changing tool to you to spark your own exploration.

In the #LIVEandLEARN we'll use a tapping script found in the workbook that you'll be able to repeat at home -- in fact I challenge you to tap every day for month to make sure you've really sussed out everything money-wise and the little breakthroughs have added up in a big way.💎

"Overall I’m feeling greater ease now when I work on my finances and business plan, as well on other items related to my dreams that came up with surprising ick while tapping.

I’ve been tapping on a money topic (almost) every day in February. I’ve uncovered a lot of unexpected emotions and beliefs that have informed or are tied to my money mindset that really aren’t about “money” at all. That was surprising!"

- Megan G., on the month of money mindset tapping, her first EFT experience