Meet Your Future Self Guided Visualization (15 mins)

do you know where you're headed?
What you want out of life?
How you want to feel as the next one, three, five years unfold?
Have you written your big dreams down?

☺️️This 15-minute visualization will guide you through a gentle journey to meet your future self and experience moments of the life you desire to create over the next five years. 

Have a #journal by your side to take some notes when the meditation is over, as this activity will help you clarify:
🌷core values,
🔥passions to prioritize,
✨key activities to undertake,
👯‍♀️who you want to surround yourself with,
🌎️the environment your authentic self will thrive in,
☀️and an overall new vision for success and happiness.

🖍In addition to jotting down notes and doodles of what your envisioned, you might also  spend some time journaling about what you've discovered and add detail to the vision, or create a Pinterest or vision board for what you've seen. 


"Vividly describing your goals in written form is strongly associated with goal success, and people who very vividly describe or picture their goals are anywhere from 1.2 to 1.4 times more likely to successfully accomplish their goals than people who don’t."
Leadership IQ "The Gender Gap & Goal Setting" Study

I encourage all of my coaching cornerstone clients to complete this exercise as part of a larger five year envisioning and roadmapping project, that also includes grounding in the authentic self, building awareness of and learning how to reframe the inner critic, and learning positive-psychology based goal setting and achieving techniques for a no-willpower-required life. Set up a conversation with me to learn more!